Thanks for stopping by.
If you would like to book a session with me online or see me in person (Brisbane, Australia) please hop straight on the link to the booking calendar below, or send me a message via email if you would like to know more or to arrange an in person session on the Sunshine Coast here
I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Meet Nicole
Let's work together, so I can help you through a session or program with me, to live a life that is aligned from within your mind, body and spirit, so that you, and your world around you, unfolds in a way that feels supportive, nurturing and empowering...
About Nicole..
Nicole's healing expertise is a transformative force. Specialising in Womb and Fertility healing, with over 20 years experience in Reproductive Chinese Medicine & Natural Medicine. Having worked with indigenous elders in Women's Work, she understands the nuances of this field deeply. Nicole also has extensive experience in toxic relationship recovery, self love-and adeptly clears dark energies.
As a mentor, she guides individuals towards becoming healers themselves. Nicole's compassionate and nurturing approach in combination with powerful techniques are instrumental in creating profound shifts and renewed wellbeing.
Nicole can help you with:
- Womb & Fertility Healing
- Healing from toxic relationships
- Self love and transitions in life
- Clearing dark energies & repeating patterns
- Practitioner Mentoring
(guiding you to be a healer)
- Global Remote Online Healing Work
- Healing for your pet
- Clearing Energy from your Home, Land, Business.
- Shamanic Guided Healing Meditation Sessions
- Intuitive Astrology-Natal Chart Readings
I have over 20 years of hands on experience of working with individuals, partners, groups and organisations.
Are you ready to step into a new way of being and liberate yourself from the inside out?
Book your session today...
Email Nicole here or click to book your session
Belinda, Australia
Womb Healing Session
"I felt enlightened when I left the session.
I felt a sense of serene peacefulness and I felt that you provided me with an anchor to guide me with clear direction for the work that I need to do to transition forward.
You are such a beautiful gift for me Nic - I am so grateful for you."
Jess, Australia
Online Coaching & Healing Session
"Thanks so much for today Nicole, it was so lovely meeting you! I really feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders after today's session, and I can't wait to do it again."
Adam, United Kingdom
Intuitive Astrology Natal Chart Recorded Reading
"I don't even know where to begin to express what it has stirred in me.
I will first say thank you… for putting your heart and your passionate expression into this reading.
It made it even more special for me!
Your reading evoked very strong emotions with lots of tears as many things resonated very deeply.
Thank you!
I plan to listen again later and do some note taking."

Lets work together in person or online...
Womb & Fertility Healing
Healing from toxic relationships
Self love and transitions in life
Clearing dark energies & repeating patterns
Practitioner Mentoring-guiding you to be a healer
Remote/Online Healing work globally
Healing for your pet
Clearing Energy from your Home, Land, Business.
Shamanic Guided Healing Meditation Sessions
Intuitive Astrology Natal Chart Readings (Recorded)